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School Governors

Charly Henney
Co Chair 

Chris Hutchins 
Co Chair 

Abi Craig
Parent Governor

Karra McFarlane
Trustee Appointed Governor

Kelly Anderson
Trustee Appointed Governor

Katriona Jones
Foundation Governor

Jon Reddington
Foundation Governor

Nichola Stevenson

Ruth Elliott
Staff Governor

The Academy Committee of Bishop Carpenter School form part of the Governance Team of the Warriner Multi Academy Trust


Governors are volunteers who play a really important part in ensuring our children receive the very best outcomes at our school. The governor role is strategic rather than operational, so they don’t get involved in the day to day running of the school, instead supporting and challenging the School and the Trust’s senior leadership team to drive school improvement.

We don’t discuss individual children in our meetings, but we do challenge the Head to make certain that we have the systems and support in place to ensure that the needs of all our children are being met. We don’t decide what and how to teach but we do visit the school and consider curriculum plans and attainment data to ensure that we know our school well and know that it is delivering on its plans to always drive school improvement. We don’t consider individual concerns from parents but will always explain who to talk to in school to help you and will always make sure at a strategic level that the school seeks the views of its most important stakeholders, its children, their parents and its staff.

If you want to contact the Academy Committee please email Clerk to Governors Liz James at


We are always interested to hear from potential new governors committed to raising outcomes for all our children. If you would like to find out more about becoming a governor please contact the Clerk to the Governors Liz James by email ​

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