Welcome to
Bishop Carpenter CE Primary School
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is Roots, the other, Wings"
In being rooted in knowing we are all loved by God, we are then able to be more aware of our God given wings to fly and to flourish, to bear fruit in our lives, fruit of the Holy Spirit, fruit that will last. (John 15 v16)
We want our children to grow by being contemplative, compassionate and courageous
Friends of Bishop Carpenter School
FoBCS is not just about fundraising, we are also here to bring parents, children, staff and the local community together.
It is a committee of trustees who run this registered charity. With other parents, they work tremendously hard to organise a lively social life for the school whilst raising much needed funds!
Everyone is welcome to come along to meetings whenever they can. Our meetings are very informal. If you cannot attend meetings but would like to support events, please let Mrs Moseley (Office Manager) know and she will pass your details onto the committee.
Sarah Davies & Louise Hutchins- Joint Chairs
Hannah Vickers - Treasurer
One way you can help to support the school is by using any of these online shopping affiliate schemes, the following are sites Bishop Carpenter School are registered on and by shopping on these sites you can raise much needed extra funds for your school at absolutely no cost to you.
Shop online at most of the most popular retailers e.g. Toys R Us, Amazon, John Lewis, M&S etc. Simply register, support Bishop Carpenter as your cause and shop as usual. The school will receive up to 15% back of orders placed, although more typically 1-3%.
All you need to do is:
Click on Register Now
Support your cause choose Bishop Carpenter School
Register as a supporter
Now you are ready to shop
Please note you can opt out of receiving offers, fundraising tips etc
Buy all your very important school name labels on this site at very competitive prices. For every set ordered, the school will receive £2 - simply enter the school ID 22861 when ordering.
If ordering craft activities, consider Yellow Moon. Up to 20% of the order placed will be credited to the school - simply enter BCS code WB101149 in the cash-back box.