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Welcome to
Bishop Carpenter CE Primary School
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is Roots, the other, Wings"
In being rooted in knowing we are all loved by God, we are then able to be more aware of our God given wings to fly and to flourish, to bear fruit in our lives, fruit of the Holy Spirit, fruit that will last. (John 15 v16)
We want our children to grow by being contemplative, compassionate and courageous
Day: Monday
Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Cost: £3 per session
Information: Our String Orchestra is run by Lesley Wragg and Mrs Sullivan. Students can join when they have reached a preliminary stage. They perform concerts to parents throughout the year and play in assemblies.
For further information: Contact Mrs Wragg via school or by email
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